Thursday, June 28, 2012

What's wrong with this picture?

What's wrong with this picture? Lets forget for the moment that this might not be considered the safest arrangement of...stuff. And we'll set aside the fact that this guys loading/packing skills leave a little something to be desired. And maybe his rear tires really don't need a wheel well... Or tread for that matter. No no, the main thing I'd like to point out is that there's a refrigerator on the tailgate. A refrigerator. Now, I'm no expert on loading things but I'm pretty sure you don't load a refrigerator on the tailgate. I could be wrong...yes, its been known to happen, but I'm pretty confident on this one. Just looking at the other stuff... Oh, let's just call a spade a spade... Its crap, he's hauling crap. The other crap in that truck bed, there are several more suitable items for the tailgate should you need to use the tailgate. For example the lawn chairs or perhaps the bicycle hanging out the top.

I can only speculate as to whether he made it to his destination, and if he did, whether or not he was able to unload that refrigerator seeing as the hand truck is "packed" below the heavy looking object precariously topping off this crap hauling sundae. You think you might want that more easily accessible.

As I said, I'm no expert.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Pray for relief

Colorado is on fire! This hot, dry June has brought an unprecedented number of wildfires to our front range. Currently, approximately 135,000 acres are burning from a combined 6 active fires!! The last few record setting days of heat have only increased the danger. Yesterday afternoon one of the fires took a turn for the worse and jumped a road an with the help of 65 mile per hour winds climbed up a canyon wall and into subdivisions quickly burning several homes. Many people were at work when this happened and didn't even have a chance to collect belongings. So far there are no reports of deaths caused by this fire, I only pray it remains as such. It's a scary situation and I can't even imagine the devastation of the families affected. The pictures say it all

My prayers go out to them and to all the brave firefighters that are risking their lives in fighting these flames.

Anyone interested in helping in some way please visit www. and please pray for relief!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Perfect Sunday

Taking in a great movie with my mom and sister.
Lunch with mom, dad, sister, hubby, baby girl and mother-in-law.
Chillin on the couch while baby girl naps on my chest.

What more could I ask for.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Growing strong

M’s 6 month check up went well yesterday, all except the part where she has fluid in both ears! :( I really hope this isn't going to be a regular thing for her. So this time they put her on a different class of antibiotic since the amoxicillin may have given her hives last time. We'll see how this one goes! She also got her shots of course. She didn't like those but was fine once I picked her up. She gave the nurse Erik a bit of a glare. Although she may just remember him from the heel pokes when she was two days old.

Other than that, she's developing great! She's a long baby in the 75th percentile and also petite as far as weight. Today she's been a happy baby as usual but with a low grade fever all day. I had her in just her diaper for most of the day because it's been 100 degrees! She looks so cute and she loves the freedom.

Tomorrow we're having a girls morning with mom, sister, Ayrin and Raquelle going to see the animated movie Brave. I'm going to miss my little bear but hopefully when she's older she'll like having days like that with me!

Friday, June 22, 2012

A letter to my baby girl on her 6 month half birthday

My precious angel,

Today you have reached your six month birthday! I can't believe how much you've changed in these 6 short months! From the small, sleepy, sweet newborn to the smiley happy baby I see everyday! You are such a happy baby and your daddy and I feel so blessed each moment we have with you to see you smile, to hear your magical laugh, to watch you learn and wonder at everything around you! We watch with excitement at each new milestone you reach. Right now you are sitting so good! You'll sit on your blanket and play with your cups and rattles. You particularly like the one I have named 'moo cow rattle' but you also love to mum on your cups! You can roll both ways and a couple of times I've left you playing on your tummy in the middle of your room for a moment and you'll have rolled off the blanket when I get back! You haven't gotten your knees under you yet in preparation for crawling but grandma Pauline recently caught you up on your toes!

You are such a joy my angel and it is with excitement and joy that I watch you grow. You have so many adventures yet to experience and you have so much love surrounding you.

God has truly blessed our family with you!

Love your mama.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Blog alarm!

No matter how much I tell myself "I'm going to blog tonight" it never seems to happen. So today I decided to set an alarm to blog during my lunch hour. Even if it's a quick little observation of the day, at least I won't be neglecting my blog responsibilities. Plus, I can always snooze my alarm if need be but at least it's a reminder. A second plus is that it gives me a chance to pause and reflect on my morning, or the previous afternoon's events that may not have made it into the earlier blog. And it's a good thing I decided this and set my alarm this morning because I had already forgotten until my phone alarm went off!

Does it seem sad that I have to schedule time to do something that I enjoy? No, because if I'm running around daily and forget to do things I enjoy a simple alarm can go a long way in making today better, even if it's just a chance to vent. So I recommend if you never have a moment to do one small thing that you enjoy doing, set an alarm. Even if the alarm is just to remind you to smile or take a breath. Take a moment for yourself, even if it is scheduled. You may be like me and not remember until your alarm goes off and then it's a welcome reminder, or it may be a part of the day to look forward to. Either way, make it count.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A little cheese with that whine?

This sucks! It's almost been a month since my last entry! I hate that I can't write when I want to. I need a new routine. I need to get out of my current position. I just don't know where to go! Oh... Woe is me...

Ok, sorry for the outburst of frustration. I just wish I could get past this block in my otherwise wonderful life. I have a wonderful husband, a beautiful baby girl, a somewhat frustrating but loving dog, and the most supporting and helpful mom, dad, and sister in the world. If only I could enjoy all of it as often as I truly wanted too! It's like the song lyrics go 'if I could make a living out of loving you, I'd be a millionaire in a week or two'! Fitting, right?!

Well that's all I have time for right now as I'm fitting this note in while pumping milk in the cubicle at work... :) the adventure continues!