Thursday, December 8, 2011

Maternity Leave

Well, today is my first day of maternity leave! I will actually get to have some time to relax before baby girl gets here. This surprising turn of events occurred due to a round of flu cases going around at my work. The powers that be offered to pay me for five days, that doesn't include the time that I have to use for my actual maternity leave so that I wouldn't get sick! Heck yeah! So here I am. I actually slept in today and have been bumming around the house. I did take the dog for a walk so I haven't been a total lump :) I also have to run to the grocery store and get some things. It's hard to believe baby bun is going to be here so soon. I'm excited and nervous! But I know that we have so much love and support around us. It will be a new adventure in this life. I know it will take some getting used to with the pup. He's used to being the spoiled one around here :)

Oh! On another note, I knit her a hat and a pair of booties! They're adorable! They will make a cute keepsake for her as both homemade and made by mommy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute hat and booties. :)