Friday, September 24, 2010


Today's adventure...Ouch!

Yesterday I had decided to commit my evening to my studies as I had been procrastinating much of the week (as I am continuing to do presently). I drove straight home, greeted my husband and dog and confined myself to the dining room table where my laptop sits. Marc, being proactive this week has been organizing the garage. The dog was happily chewing on something in the backyard. Not 20 minutes after having sat down the dog comes busting through the doggy door with dad in tow. Apparently, Marc had taken a brief respite from organizing to play with the pooch. Well, as boys do they got into trouble and the dog took the brunt of it. Marc was playing fetch with a tennis ball and Drake, focused only on his mission of retrieving the ball ran sideways into a tree tee post causing an ear laceration and a cut to his side. The night ended with a drive to the vets office, however, with no vet in the office the techs bandaged him up and sent him home in the "cone of shame" (hereinafter COS) to return today for sutures. Well, after some struggles with the COS last night Drake gave in and fell asleep, most likely tired from fighting with the technicians at the vets office.
Bandaged Drake and the Cone of Shame

Today Drake received sutures and we were instructed by the vet that he would need to keep the COS on for 2-3 weeks!! Anyone who's ever met my dog knows that he can't sit still. The only time he is still is when he's sleeping. Even then he still kicks the S#!t out of you in his sleep! I was not enthusiastic about this prospect, especially because the COS is hard plastic and Drake tries to go through our legs with it on, causing pain to us... So I googled soft dog cones and came up with the Comfy Cone which was promptly acquired but has yet to be tested!! We'll see how that works out.

Nearly $300 dollars later this was the most expensive tennis ball toss on record! For now, Drake is quietly sleeping off the drugs from his sedation. Tomorrow I'm sure he'll be back to the little hyper-active labrador retriever of days past. Lord help his ear heal fast!!

On another note, anyone looking for a new song recommendation, check out Magic in Me by B.O.B. featuring Rivers Cuomo. It's fun! :)

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